Sunday, June 26, 2011

Anger problems as a block to developing assertiveness skills

by Nightowl9910 » Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:10 pm

Decided to post this, as was wondering out of curiosity if anybody else here has ever had this kind of problem?

Developing assertiveness skills is an aim of mine right now. But unfortunately this is proving to be a big obstacle. For me it's one thing when trying to practice these skills on somebody who I already know is not likely to respond in an aggressive way. Even then I still find it difficult at times - but at least not impossible. However, if I try this out on somebody, only to have them react in really aggressive verbal ways towards me - or else am already feeling in a highly angry state towards them - I find putting this into practice pretty much impossible. As tend to end up becoming very aggressive myself to the point of verbally exploding or else coming very near to it, and feeling the only way to prevent the problem from getting out of control is to not interact with the person. Any good intentions I had end up going straight out of the window. I really want to overcome this problem because feel it's really getting in the way. But so far haven't found any self help information I've found useful. It's very frustrating.

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