Sunday, June 26, 2011

Anger Amnesia

by Son » Sat Mar 12, 2011 3:56 am

This is similar to a couple of other threads on here but a little different. I have amnesia about getting angry. My ehole life I never felt very angry but lately I've been having rages triggered by a lot of things. It happens when I think people are being unfair, are lying, or trying to trick me. I want to bash their heads in. I've lost control a few times and damaged property. Afterwards I forget that it happened. My husband is there for a lit if and reminds me of the rages which ive collectively forgotten. I may remember that SOMETHING bad happened but have no details. I'm told I'm not myself and irrational. Also, I'll forget small anger too. If I'm a little angry with someone and then walk away, I'll calm down and come back having totally forgotten I was angry with them

Does anyone else ever have this happen to them?SonConsumer 3

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