Sunday, June 26, 2011

please help me to deal with this

by DC1982 » Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:13 pm

My wife suffers from uncommon fits of rage. Oftentimes turning to violence. I can only explain it by saying when she gets angry there is no filter in her head and all rational thinking is out the window. She says things like Die mother #####& or balls her fist up and hits and breaks and smashes things. This is usually triggered by something little that really shouldn't matter. Like dishes being in the wrong place or dirt on the carpet. Often I find her blaming me for her being unhappy or mad that day. I'm no saint sometimes I lash back in anger with my words saying things I shouldn't. I have never hit her back "she's really too little to hurt me much with her punches they just anger me." Often these fits of rage are followed by remorse the next day and back to rational thinking. I love her and when things are good things are really good and when things are bad they are extremely bad. Can anyone give me any advice on what I can do to better deal with the situation and maybe what I can do to help my wife? ThanksDC1982Consumer 0

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