Sunday, June 26, 2011

Can I post in here.. hormonal anger..

by griffin » Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:02 am

HI, I suffer quiet horribly from pre menstrual anger. I even get to the point where I hate answering the millions of q's I get bombarded with by my family, and I snap back and tell them to figure it out and use their own brain, when I am like this I get withdrawn and dont want to talk.

My TTOTM is every 20 days and all over the place, sorry for too much info, but I am in some rage most of the time.

I think its because I worry excessively about every little detail and I get serverely overwhelmed very quickly, so everything matters and my irrational thoughts are not ok. Perfectionism might be at play and unrealistic expectations cause anger. I'm not very good at being perfect cause nothing turns out the way I would like

To be totally honest I just wish they would shut the heck up and leave me alonel. I am at a loss, and I am not content when I am like this.

I suffer from being too sensitive and want to be left alone which doenst make sense if I was sensitive I wouldnt want to tell them to go away and I do that alot.

I dont want to go on the pill or have an iud tp alter hormones cause I think they may make me angrier..

Half the time, I just answer without thinking about what they are asking. I dont concentrate, cause I am tense and grumpy.
How do you cope with the internal stuff but not make your family wear it.

I hate this personality.griffinConsumer 1

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