Sunday, June 26, 2011

Tips on how to deal with anger.

by puppyluva » Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:37 am

For the people who get angry often and end up breaking things alot or get violent with people or there partners a good idea which can help some people is by buying a big bean bag or lots of teddys and when you get angry you throw the teddys instead or you throw/hit the bean bag. sounds silly but it is better than breaking things that you will regret or hurting someone and causing pain or death to that person as we all know violence can lead to that. Not saying all angry people are violent.


Train yourself to think of something nice, when i get angry i have trained myself to go get my hamster out of his cage and cuddle him and talk to him. Anything that cheers you up. I call say to myself ''Ok, i am stressed HAMSTER TIME'' Or i say to myself ''Can't be arsed, i am having a cup of tea and BAN myself from talking or thinking till at least i have finished my cup of tea i just lay back on the chair or sofa and take my time driinking my tea. I have also taken up hobbies that helps too, i start writing, reading, drawing and painting or singing my emotions out.

Hope it helps youpuppyluvaConsumer 2

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