Sunday, June 26, 2011


by tkbrice » Fri Sep 24, 2010 1:19 am

Hi, i'm still fairly new, but have made a few posts in the schizoaffective forum. Today I went to group and my therapist thinks I should go into anger management. She said being destructive with things and breaking things means something seriously is wrong, and that I should talk about it. I never had much of an issue with anger until pretty recently. I think years of bottling up emotion is what's taking a toll on me. I really don't know how to control it in a healthy way...what helps for you? What helps the anger just melt away, and leaves you feeling better and possibly with a smile on your face?

I've also fairly recently started attending groups again. I'm in Bipolar Support, Confidence and Self Esteem, and Exercise group. I have found that listening to soft music helps too with the anger, and talking about things in groups help a little bit too. Right now, I'm residing in a homeless shelter, and things can get pretty stressful with people always getting hostile towards eachother. There's a lot of argument, verbal bashing, etc.

Also, I just started work at Mcdonalds. I start a full day on Saturday, and I'm afraid that the stress might get to be too much. Anyone know of any ways that I can properly deal with my anger, anxiety, and emotions while on the job...? What works for you when you're at work and you start feeling stressed?

ThankstkbriceConsumer 0

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