Sunday, June 26, 2011

Breaking 'my' stuff

years now.. (aged 27)

When it started.. Id punch holes in walls or computer screens when very angry and usually after a period of a few days of tesion building up..

but over the years its taken less and less to set me off... now I can be having a heated discussion with someone and suddenly I take my 800$ phone out my pocket and throw it at the ground or walk up to my lcd tv and throw my fist through it..

the main reason for my post though is whats been happening over the past 6 months or so..
at seemingly 'random' times, even when i dont feel angry and often when im alone.. I feel like breaking things and have to tell myself DONT DO IT ! or physically step back from, example my computer or put my phone back in my pocket so I do have a 1 second lapse of control and throw it across the street..

I seem to be in a constant battle against these idiotic thoughts !

I tell myself things like.. dont do it.. remember last time it cost you 400$, time before 800$.. now you cant afford it etc etc but the part of me thats doing the damage doesnt care ?! :S

Anyway.. any advice ?

thanks...khoraskConsumer 0

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