Sunday, June 26, 2011

Husband's anger is driving me nuts.

by anemone999 » Fri May 27, 2011 2:11 pm

Hello all. I've posted in this forum a few times for myself, now I'm posting on behalf of my husband.
Long story short, my husband (I'll call him Q) has been out of work for about a year now (he's a carpenter) and has been drumming up odd jobs here and there, nothing real steady though. There's just no work for carpenters at the moment.
Q is angry and frustrated, and did I mention angry. He's like a caged lion.

Q has some anger issues from childhood. Dad walked out when he was 2. Mother is a very angry person and they get into arguments when they're under the same roof.

I've been paying the bills on my teacher's salary. We both won't say it but it really, really sucks being as broke as we are. There's things we really need and we just don't have the money.
We also have a 4 year old daughter.

A few months ago Q and I got into a raging argument about how I "don't do $#%

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