Sunday, June 26, 2011

Boyfriend wants to break up because he has anger problems...

by Samantha93 » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:32 am

So I'm 18, and he's 20. We've been dating for a few weeks, gone to movies, I met some of his family, and I honestly thought it was going fine. Just last weekend he admitted to me that he punched his Dad a few years ago in a fit of rage. He's never actually yelled at me for anything, or tried to hit me ever. After he told me about what happened with his Dad he said he wanted to break up with me. I don't understand this at all. He said some small things that I do really annoy him, and he's afraid of hurting me. I want to help him through this and he's such a great guy, and a pretty amazing friend. He's really been there for me... I don't want to lose him

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