Sunday, June 26, 2011

Controlling myself...

So. My anger isn't totally out of control, but it's really not good at the moment - I get triggered not by normal things, but the innocuous, and I am always tempted towards violence which I tend to inflict on myself (either self-scratching or punching) and I can't stop myself screaming/shouting. I made a real scene the other day in public, which I regret, and I am usually able to avoid; I tend to take myself out of such anger-inducing situations and instead keeping myself out the way, letting out my anger on myself/throwing things/etc.

Obviously, self-harm isn't a great way to deal with anger, and I don't know what to do with it in the first place. Any ideas? I'm trying my best with what techniques I have, but I now need to exchange the tricks I have for ones that are less self-damaging.

Thanks!jemstoneConsumer 0

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