Sunday, June 26, 2011

Trying to manipulate me!

by Murderface » Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:27 pm

Here's the story. I went to the club with my flat mate, she bought me a drink when I ran out of money. I said I'd buy her one back and then I took out some money and bought her one. We get back to the flat I am completely hammered and everyone orders pizza (it isn't cheap here). I pay for half of it, and ask for the change. The girl tells me I stole her drink, made up some elaborate lie and then takes all the change! I was confused and obviously more agreeable because I was drunk. When she left the room my other flat mates told me she had lied to me and also eaten most of the food! I go to bed and wake up the next day and remember exactly what happened the night before, and remember buying her a drink and giving it to her. I tell her when I see her, and she tells me I'm right and that she remembered incorrectly and she owed me a small amount of money (less than half the true amount). She lied to me again. And she never even paid me that. I asked her again a couple days later after she bought a $#%

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