Sunday, June 26, 2011

Childhood Bullying

by agirlbyanyothername » Tue May 10, 2011 1:48 pm

I’m curious how many of you who deal with anger issues as adults were bullied, teased or rejected excessively as children? This is something I struggled with on an almost daily basis throughout most of my childhood and teens. I know people say that everyone gets picked on as a kid, but it’s so much different when you’re getting berated and tormented day in and day out, year after year.

All I ever heard when I was growing up was how stupid or ugly I was. My peers made it their mission to remind me of these things on a daily basis. The teachers didn’t care. Hell, some of them seemed to encourage it. I almost never spoke up or fought back. I learned that doing so would only instigate more attacks that I was too ill equipped to handle. Either that, or a teacher would overhear me and I would be the one to get punished. (I also learned you can treat people like garbage just so long as you don’t use curse words.)

I realize that to most people it’s silly to be upset over something that happened so long ago. I should have moved on by now, but I still seethe with anger when I think about the way I was mistreated. I believe those years of have fed an intense inferiority complex. I become very depressed and enraged whenever I feel someone is mocking or disrespecting me. (You can imagine how well this goes over in customer service!) I hate to be made to feel ugly or stupid. I tend to fantasize about revenge, probably because I never stood up for myself in the past and I can’t stand the idea of someone getting away with mistreating me now.

Anyway, I’m just wondering if anyone else’s anger might have manifested in this manner.

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